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Sustainable Living: Rainwater Harvesting For Beginners: A Complete Guide How To Collect, Use And Store Rainwater For Self-Sufficient Backyard Homesteading, Paperback, by S.J. Hammer (Author)

Discover the one simple trick to reduce your water bill, grow healthy plants, and improve your overall well being… no matter where you live.

The demand for clean water is growing every year.

Water bills are going through the roof, and because you can’t live without it, it seems like there’s nothing you can do.

Not only that, but illnesses and diseases are on the rise, and with all the chemical-filled water we drink daily, it’s no wonder why people are starting to draw a connection between the two.

Of course, impure water is better than nothing, but you know that there must be a better way.

If these are the same concerns you have, you’re in the right place!

The truth is, you’ve been tricked into thinking the only way to quench your thirst is to turn on the tap or buy a bottle of water.

It’s not your fault, but what can you do to stop being taken advantage of?

S.J. Hammer can show you exactly what to look for, and you’ll benefit from his methods, especially if you’re someone who:

  • Feels outraged every time you pay your water bill
  • Wants better, softer water for you and your family
  • Is tired of relying on the city for your water
  • Is searching for a sustainable strategy to use water for a variety of purposes

The question you need to ask yourself is: “Why am I paying for bacteria-infested water when rainwater is a free and unlimited natural resource?”

Yes, collecting rainwater may seem unclean, messy, and awkward to store, but what if there were a system you could follow to make this process a breeze?

It’s easier than you think, and you don’t need to know how to control the weather to start reaping the benefits!

In Rainwater Harvesting for Beginners, here is just a fraction of what you will discover:

  • Groundbreaking insight into rainwater harvesting and all the advantages of building your own sustainable system
  • A fountain of strategies to purify rainwater so you’ll never have to rely on tap or bottled water again
  • The step-by-step process to building your own RWH system
  • Complex formulas that are broken down and easy to understand
  • A straightforward guide to storing your rainwater
  • The unsuspected link between purified rainwater and a healthy garden
  • Bonus checklists to ensure high-quality maintenance and safety for your system

And much more.

Regardless of where you live, your housing situation, or your preference for hands-on projects, you can take advantage of the rain and reduce those water bill pains.

As long as you have a roof over your head, you can harness the power of the sky and start using top-quality water for any application you have in mind!





Sustainable Living: Rainwater Harvesting For Beginners: A Complete Guide How To Collect, Use And Store Rainwater For Self-Sufficient Backyard Homesteading, Paperback, by S.J. Hammer (Author)

Discover the one simple trick to reduce your water bill, grow healthy plants, and improve your overall well being… no matter where you live.  The demand for clean water is growing every year.  Water bills are going through the roof, and because you can’t live without it, it seems like there’s nothing you can do.  Not only that, but illnesses and diseases are on the rise, and with all the chemical-filled water we drink daily, it’s no wonder why people are starting to draw a connection between the two.  Of course, impure water is better than nothing, but you know that there must be a better way.  If these are the same concerns you have, you’re in the right place!  The truth is, you’ve been tricked into thinking the only way to quench your thirst is to turn on the tap or buy a bottle of water.  Yes, collecting rainwater may seem unclean, messy, and awkward to store, but what if there were a system you could follow to make this process a breeze?

It’s easier than you think, and you don’t need to know how to control the weather to start reaping the benefits!